Chehlum Shareef of Boro Huzur Pak (a.s)

Today, on 16th Safar 1443 Hijri, 23rd September 2021 AD, 6th Ashwin 1428 Bangla, the Holy Chehlam Sharif of our Lord and Master ‘Boro Huzur Pak’ His Holiness Syed Shah Rashid Ali Al-Quaderi Al-Hasani Al-Husaini Al-Baghdadi (AS) is being observed at the Jora Masjid in Midnapore and the adjoining Burial Shrine complex. In close proximity to the Holy Burial Shrine of Lord and Master, Boro Huzur Pak, are the Holy Burial Shrines of Ala Huzur Pak, Mawla Pak, Peer o Murshid Pak, and Porda Huzur Pak and His Holiness Sabi ul Hasan (AS).
“Rawza mere Murshid ka Kaba nazar ata hae. / Ye arshe mualla ka naksha nazar ata hae.”
A Milad Congregation is being held after Maghrib. From far and wide, devotees, disciples, and aficionados have arrived here in reserved buses and cars with yearnings and prayers of their hearts.
“Sari dunya dauri ati hae ziarat ke liye. / Marjae Shah o gada hae aastane Rashid Ali.”