Shab e Barat
‘𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒃 𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕’ (𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕…

Shab e Barat Prayers
The ‘Namaz’ (Prayer) for ‘Shab e Barat’Neeyat (Declaration…

Chehlum Shareef of Boro Huzur Pak (a.s)
Today, on 16th Safar 1443 Hijri, 23rd September 2021 AD, 6th…

The Method of Making Offering to Holy Person / নাম পাকে নযর পাক করার নিয়ম
In order to make offering in the name of a Holy Name, after…

The Method of Reciting 'Tahlil Pak' / 'তাহলীল পাক' পড়ার নিয়ম
1. Darud Sharif - 11 times2. Isme Azam Pak - 11 times3. Sura…

The High Station of 'Mawla e Kayanat' / ’মাওলা এ কায়েনাত’ এর উচ্চ মর্যাদা
What is the reason for such a high rank of ‘Mawla e Kayenat’…

Eid e Ghadeer / ঈদ এ গদীর
Today, the 29th July 2021, Thursday, the 18th of Zilhaj is known…

Interrogation on Judgment Day about Wilayat of Ali (AS) / কেয়ামতের দিন আলী (আঃ) এঁর বেলায়াত সম্বন্ধে জিজ্ঞাসা
*On the Day of Judgment, questions will be asked about the ‘Wilayet’…

Day of Ghadeer e Khum / গদীর এ খুমের দিবস
أن النبي ( صلَّى الله عليه و آله ) قال…

Fasting on Day of Eid e Ghadeer / ঈদে গদীরের দিনের রোযা
*Fasting a single fast on the day of Eid e Ghadeer has the…

Prayer of Eid ul Adha / ঈদুল আযহার নামায
The Method of Offering the Eid ul Adha Prayer𝑵𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒕’…

Takbir e Tashriq / তকবীর এ তশরীক
Takbir e TashriqWhat is performed/discharged from the Fajr…

Urs Mubarak
Today, on 5th Zilhajjah, 1442 H., the 251st 'Holy Urs' of His…

The Holy Urs of ‘Ghause Sani' Pak / 'গওসে সানী' পাকের উরস পাক
The Holy Urs of ‘Ghause Sani' PakOn the coming 15th July,…

Brief Needful Guidance for ‘Qurbani’ (sacrifice)/কুরবাণীর সংক্ষিপ্ত প্রয়োজনীয় মাসায়েল
Brief Needful Guidance for ‘Qurbani’ (sacrifice)𝗧𝗵𝗲…

Description of the Sacrificial Animals (of Qurbani)/কুরবানীর পশুর বিবরণ
Description of the Sacrificial Animals (of Qurbani)The Animals…

The Holy Urs of 'Sani Mowla Pak' and Qutbe Rabbani Pak' / 'সানী মওলা পাক' ও 'কুতবে রব্বানী পাকের' ঊরস পাক
The Holy Urs of 'Sani Mowla Pak' ( Mowla Pak, the Second ) and…

27 Shawal Urs Mubarak
Urs Mubarak Shahenshahe Welayat Qutubul Aqtaab Ghouse zaman…

Shab e Barat
‘𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒃 𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕’ (𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕…

Shab e Barat Prayer
The ‘Namaz’ (Prayer) for ‘Shab e Barat’Neeyat (Declaration…

Holy ‘Urs’ of ‘Qutbe Bari Pak’ / Hazrat Rawshanganj, Purnia, Bihar
‘Kaesa peer – tamam alam ka dastagir, bekaso ka hajat rawa(n),…

‘Urs’ Celebrations of ‘Qutbe Bari Pak’ / 'কুতুবে বারী পাকের' ঊরস্ উৎসব
The Urs Celebrations of the Great Sufi Saint, His Holiness,…

Mawla Ali (AS) and his Noble Birth / মওলা আলী (আঃ) ও তাঁর বেলাদত শরীফ
*Mawla Ali (AS) and his Noble Birth*As in previous years,…

Urs Mubarak, 2021 / উরস্ মোবারক, ২০২১
As in past years, this year too, the 120th annual

Special Prayers & Fasts of Rajab / রজব মাসের বিশেষ নামায ও রোযা
*The prayer for 1st Rajab*This prayer is of 10 ‘rakats’,…

'Peer o Murshid Pak's' Urs in Pabna
Today, the 23rd Magh, is the 67th Holy Urs of Peer o Murshid…

The Holy Urs of 'Maula Pak' / 'মওলা পাকের' উরস পাক
On the coming dates of 4th Falgun, 1427, 17th February,…

The Holy Urs of 'Qutbe Bari Pak' / ‘কুতুবে বারী' পাকের উরস পাক*
On the coming 3rd Falgun (according to the Hindi calendar),…

Holy Urs of 'Peer o Murshid Pak' Observed
As in every year, this year too, the 68th annual Urs of Sufi…

Weladat Shareef Mubarak
Wᴇʟᴀᴅᴀᴛᴇ ʙᴀ sᴀ'ᴀᴅᴀᴛ Kʜᴀᴛᴜɴᴇ…

Urs Mubarak
Urs Mubarak Sayedena wa Murshedena wa Imamena wa Mowlana…

Urs Mubarak
𝐔𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤 𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐚…

Weladate Baasadat Alaa Huzoor Pak Saydena Wa Emamena Wa…

28th Safar, Shahadat Pak
Shahadat e Sayedena Hazrat Imam Hasan al Mujtaba Alayhis Salato…

Abu Sufyan was the root of a rotten tree, Muawiyah its evil…

The Prayer for Holy Muharram
The Prayer for Holy Muharram (The Prayer for the Night of…

Interrogation on Judgment Day about Wilayat of Ali (AS)/কেয়ামতের দিন আলী (আঃ) এঁর বেলায়াত সম্বন্ধে জিজ্ঞাসা
*On the Day of Judgment, questions will be asked about the

Hazrat Umer said, 'Ali (AS) is my Lord' / হযরত উমর বললেন, 'আলী (আঃ) আমার মওলা'
Hazrat Umer said, ‘Ali (AS) is my Lord Master’.عن

Maula Ali (AS), the Maula of Hazrat Abu Bakr and Umer / মওলা আলী (আঃ), হাযরত আবুবকর ও উমরের মওলা
*Maula (Master / Lord) Ali (AS) being greeted by Hazrat Abu…

Eid Ul Azha Mubarak / ঈদ-উল-আযহা মুবারক
To all the lovers of Mustafa (pbuh) and the servants of Ghausul…

Prayer of Eid ul Adha / ঈদুল আযহার নামায
*The Method of Offering the Eid ul Adha Prayer**’Niyat’…

*Eid e Ghadir*/*ঈদ এ গদীর*
The coming 9th August 2020, Sunday, 18th
Zilhajj is the day…

*Takbir e Tashriq* / *তকবীর এ তশরীক*
What is
performed/discharged from the Fajr time of 9th Zilhajj…

The Special Fasts of the Month of Zilhajj / যিলহাজ্জ মাসের বিশেষ বিশেষ রোযা সমূহ
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم1. *The fast…

The Holy Urs of ‘Ghause Sani' Pak/'গওসে সানী' পাকের উরস পাক
On the coming 26th July, Sunday, in the evening, that is on…

*A Brief Needful Guidance for ‘Qurbani’ (sacrifice)*/* কুরবাণীর সংক্ষিপ্ত প্রয়োজনীয় মাসায়েল*
The definition of ‘Qurbani’ : The act of sacrificing a specific…

*Description of the Sacrificial Animals (of Qurbani)*/*কুরবানীর পশুর বিবরণ*
*The Animals That May Be Sacrificed (for Qurbani)* : Cow, Goat,…

The Holy Urs of ‘Sani Maula Pak’ and ‘Qutbe Rabbani Pak’
URS MUBARAK of Sanee Mowla Pak Sayedena wa Imamena wa Mowlana…

The Holy Urs of ‘Sani Maula Pak’ and ‘Qutbe Rabbani Pak’ / 'সানী মওলা পাক' ও 'কুতুবে রব্বানী পাকের' উরস পাক
On the coming 13th July, Monday, in the evening, that is, on,…

Holy Urs of 'Maula Pak'/ মওলা পাকের উরস পাক
Today, on 19.06.20, 5th Ashar, Friday, in the evening, that…

Method for Making Holy Offerings / নিয়ায পাক আদা পাক করার নিয়ম
The method for making holy offerings is that, the
offering must…

The Prayer of ‘Tasbih’ (Rosary) / সালাতুত তাসবীহ
Since in this Prayer, a specific incantation (doa) is

'Duas' (Supplications) /
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم*بعض الادعية…

Prayer of Eid ul Fitr / ঈদুল ফিতরের নামায
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم*The Method…

28th Ramadan Weladat Shareef Mubarak

Hazrat ‘Mowla Pak’ (AS)
His Holiness Hazrat ‘Maula Pak’ Quebla, a Great Saint of…

Prayer for Laylatul Qadr / লায়লাতুল ক্বদরের নামায
The Prayer for Laylatul Qadr (Night of Power) …

Noor e Mutlaq hai(n) Payambar
Kasida by :His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Murshid Ali Al-Quaderi…

Manqabat e Maula Ali (AS)-2
A Tribute to the Gate of the City of KnowledgeOh Gate to…

Manqabat e Maula Ali (AS) -1
The status and virtues of Abu Turab (AS)Allah chose His…

His Holiness, Maula Ali (AS)
Why His Holiness, Maula Ali (AS) is the Best, and Highest, in…

Shajrah Pak / শাজরাহ পাক
From the Paternal side of Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Azam (AS)From…

Shab-e-Zarbat (19th of Mah e Ramadan) or Night of attack…

Weladat Shareef Mubarak / Boro Imam Pak
*On the occasion of the birth of Imam Hasan (AS), Allah…

12th Ramadan Weladat Shareef Mubarak
Eid e Weladat’ of His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Rashid…

*'Kunut' Supplication / দোওয়া কুনুত*
*دعا في قنوت الوتر* *‘Kunut’, The Supplication…

5th Ramadan Weladat Shareef Mubarak
On this 5th day of the Blessed Month of RamzanOur heartfelt…

The Passing Away of ‘Khatoon e Jannat’ (the Holy Lady of Heaven)
*Date of Passing Away* : Regarding the date of the passing…

Daware Har Do Jahan Hazrate Ghausus Saqalain
Kasida by : His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Murshid Ali Al-Quaderi…

*The Auspicious Birth of Ghause Azam*
*Holy Name* : The holy name of Master Ghause Pak : ‘Abdul…

Holy Imams: Hadees: 10 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীসঃ ১০
The Two Holy Imams
(AS) are Two Fragrant Flowers of the Holy…

Holy Imams: Hadees: 9 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ৯
The Two Holy Imams are
the Chieftains of the Youth in Paradise,…

Holy Imams: Hadees: 8 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ৮
Whosoever love Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (Alaihis Salam), Allah…

Holy Imams: Hadees: 7 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ৭
The Noble and Generous Prophet (pbuh) himself is the predecessor,…

Holy Imams: Hadees: 6 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ৬
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) did not lift up his head from prostration…

Holy Imams: Hadees: 5 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ৫
Quote of Holy Prophet (sws) : My Parents are Sacrificed on the…

'Shab e Barat' / 'শবে বরাত'
*শবে বরাত মুসলিমদের জন্য…

Shab e Barat Prayer/ শবে বরাতের নামায
Prayer of Shab e
Barat (Night of Fortune)Neeyat (Declaration…

Holy Imams, Hadees: 4 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ৪
*রসুলে পাক (সঃ) দুই ইমাম…

The Spiritual Basis of Muharram : Why Islam is in turmoil
The Battle of Karbala took place at Karbala, Iraq, on the…

Holy Imams: Hadees: 3 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ৩
The Most Exalted Princes in the Worldعن ابن عباس…

Holy Imams: Hadees: 2 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ২
The Prophet of Allah Himself Performed the 'Aqiqah' of the…

Holy Imams: Hadees: 1 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ১
*The birth of the Two Holy Imams and their Naming*عن…

Azan e Bala / আযান এ বালা / آذان بلا
آذان بلا
أللهُ أكْبَرُ أللهُ أكْبَرُ

Glorious trip to Baghdad
A spiritual journey

The Great Mujaddid
Life of a great personage in the times of tremendous upheaval. A true Mujaddid who fought all odds for the glory of Allah.

Pir O Murshid Pak

Shamsul Quader
"Maula Pak" one of the most illustrious and august Masters of Silsila-e-Quaderia in Bengal.

Annual Urs of Pir O Murshid Pak Observed
The 61st Holy Urs Pak of Hazrat Syed Shah Ershad Ali Al Quaderi Al Baghdadi (A.S) (Pir o Murshid Pak) was observed in all the Khanka Sharifs of Anjuman e Quaderia in Bangladesh and India.

Quaderia Tariqa in Bengal
Welcome to arrazzaq.net , the official site of the Quaderi Order(SilSila-e-Quaderia) in Bengal.

On Gyarweh Sharif
Gwaryeh Sharif
- Updates

Ahlul Bayt Conference at SherPur
The annual Ahlul Bayt conference was held this year on 11th…

A rare book written by Mowla Pak(AS) from the Qutub Khana Archives.

The Price of Rislat : The love for Ahle Bayt.
The Holy Month of Muharram has arrived, it is the time to reflect…