Holy Imams: Hadees: 1 / ইমাম পাকগণঃ হাদীস ১

*The birth of the Two Holy Imams and their Naming*

عن عكرمة قال لما ولدت فاطمة الحسن بن علي جاءت به إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم فسماه حسنا، فلما ولدت حسينا جاءت به إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم فقالت: يا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم هذا احسن من هذا، يعني حسينا، فشق له من إسمه فسماه حسينا

Meaning : It is narrated by Hazrat Ikrima (RA) : when Hazrat Hasan ibn Ali (AS) was born to Hazrat Fatima (AS), she took him to Rasullullah (SWS). He (SWS) then named him Hasan (AS). Thereafter, when Hazrat Husein (AS) was born, she took him to Rasullullah (SWS) and said, ‘Oh, the Prophet of Allah (SWS) ! This son is more beautiful than the other. Then, he (SWS) brought out the name Husein (AS) from the word ‘Hasan’.

[1) Zahbi: Siyaru A’lamin Nubala, 3/48
2) Abdur Razzak: Al-Musannaf, 4/335
3) Muji: Tahjibul Kamal, 6/224
4) Ibn Asakir, Tarikhe Dimashk Al Kabir, 14/19]

*Al-hajj Maulana Muhammad Waliullah Quaderi*
Translated into English by Syed Mujtaba Quader

*দুই ইমাম পাকের বেলাদাত পাক ও তাঁদের নামকরণ*

عن عكرمة قال لما ولدت فاطمة الحسن بن علي جاءت به إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم فسماه حسنا، فلما ولدت حسينا جاءت به إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم فقالت: يا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم هذا احسن من هذا، يعني حسينا، فشق له من إسمه فسماه حسينا

অর্থ : হযরত ইকরিমা (রাঃ) হতে বর্ণিত, হযরত ফাতেমা (আঃ) এঁর ঘরে হযরত হাসান ইবনে আলী (আঃ) এঁর জন্ম হলে তিনি তাঁকে রসুলুল্লাহ (সঃ) এঁর কাছে নিয়ে যান। তখন তিনি (সঃ) তাঁর নাম রাখলেন হাসান (আঃ)। অতঃপর হযরত হুসায়্ন (আঃ) এঁর জন্ম হলে তিনি তাঁকে রসুলুল্লাহ (সঃ) এঁর কাছে নিয়ে এসে বললেন, হে আল্লাহ্-র রসুল (সঃ)! আমার এ ছেলেটি এর চেয়ে সুন্দর। তখন তিনি (সঃ) ‘হাসান’ শব্দ থেকে বের করে তাঁর নাম রাখলেন হুসায়্ন(আঃ)।

[১। যাহবী: সিয়ারু আ’লামিন নুবালা, ৩/৪৮
২। আব্দুর রাযযাক: আল-মুসান্নাফ, ৪/৩৩৫
৩। মুযি: তাহজিবুল কামাল, ৬/২২৪
৪। ইবনে আসাকির, তারিখে দিমশক আল কবীর, ১৪/১৯ ]

*আলহাজ্জ মওলানা মুহাম্মাদ ওয়ালীউল্লাহ্ কাদেরী*

Azan e Bala / আযান এ বালা / آذان بلا

آذان بلا

أللهُ أكْبَرُ أللهُ أكْبَرُ
أللهُ أكْبَرُ أللهُ أكْبَرُ
أشْهَدُ أنْ لَّا اِلهَ اِلَّا اللهُ
أشْهَدُ أنْ لَّا اِلهَ اِلَّا اللهُ
أشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَّسُوْلُ اللهِ
أشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَّسُوْلُ اللهِ
أللهُ أكْبَرُ أللهُ أكْبَرُ
لَّا اِلهَ اِلَّا اللهُ
يَا دَافِعَ الْبَليَاتِ وَ الْآفَات
يَا قاضِىَ الْحَاجَات
يَا غَوْثُ الْاَعْظَم ألْغَيَاث
لِى خَمْسَةٌ اُطْفِى بِهَا حَرَّا الْوَبَاءِ الْحَاطِمَة
ألْمُصْطَفَى وَالْمُرْتَضَى وَابْنَاهُمَاوَالْفَاطِمَة

*الحاج مولانا محمد ولى الله قادرى*

Azan e Bala

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Ashhado Allah ilaha illallah
Ashhado Allah ilaha illallah
Ashhado anna Muhammadar Rasoolullah
Ashhado anna Muhammadar Rasoolullah
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Laa ilaha illallah
Ya daafial baliaat wal aafat
Ya qaadial haajaat
Ya Ghausul Azam al Ghayas
Li khamsatun utfi beha harral waba el haatema
al Mustafa wal Murtaza wab na huma wal Fatimah.

*Al-hajj Maulana Mohammad Waliullah Quaderi*

বালার আযান

আল্লাহু আকবার আল্লাহু আকবার
আল্লাহু আকবার আল্লাহু আকবার
আশহাদু আল্লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ্
আশহাদু আল্লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ্
আশহাদু আন্না মুহাম্মাদার রসুলুল্লাহ্
আশহাদু আন্না মুহাম্মাদার রসুলুল্লাহ্
আল্লাহু আকবার আল্লাহু আকবার
লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ্

ইয়া দাফিয়াল বালিয়াতি ওয়াল আফাত
ইয়া কাদিয়াল হাজাত
ইয়া গওসুল আ’যাম আল্ গায়াস্

লী খামসাতুন উৎফী বিহা হাররাল ওয়াবা ইল হাতিমাহ্
আল্ মুস্তাফা ওয়াল মুর্তাযা ওয়াবনা হুমা ওয়াল ফাতিমাহ্।

*আলহাজ্জ মওলানা মুহাম্মাদ ওয়ালীউল্লাহ্ কাদেরী*

Glorious trip to Baghdad




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His Holiness Syed Shah Yasoob Ali Al Quaderi with Hazrat Syed Hashimuddin Al Gaylani at the Rauza Pak of Shahenshahe Baghdad Sultanul Awlia Malike Reqabe Asfiya Hazrat Syedana Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani Al Hasani Wal Hussaini (AS) on the occasion of Gyarweeh sharif,2018, at Baghdad Pak. A total of 63 zaereens, peer bhais and peer behens, from Kolkata and UK were part of the kafela who attended the Gyarweeh Sharif Urs Pak at Baghdad Pak this year.

The Great Mujaddid


Syedena Maulana Hazrat Syed Shah Mustarshid Ali Al Quaderi Al Hasani Al Husseini wal Medinipuri al Mutakhallis ba Tajammul* Ala Jaddihi Nabiyyina Alayyis salat was salam was born on the 05th of November, 1918 AD, 1st Zilhajj, at 22, Khanqah Sharif ,Kolkata during Subh Sadiq bearing similitude to the descent of the heavenly beams which lightens up the horizon.


As Huzur was born in the holy month of Zilhijja ,also the month in which the day of sacrifice appears ,His holiness would often comment that he would be surrounded by extreme trials and difficulties in his life time. He has been sent to this world in this month as a premonition of his self sacrifice that he would have to offer to the lord .


Our Huzur was a Mujaddid of his time. According to the popular Muslim tradition, Mujaddid refers to a person who appears at the turn of every century of the Islamic calendar to revive Islam, remove from it any extraneous elements and restore it to its pristine purity.



His holiness was enthroned with the Sajjada Sharief of Khanqah e Quaderia e Razzakia on 21st of Jamadiul Awwal,1372 AH i.e 06th February 1953 AD.

Our Lord’s childhood, adolescence, education, extreme penance, and achievement of the ultimate bearing in the spiritual realm was something which will remain unfathomable to the ordinary human mind. It is rife with numerous miracles which remains bereft of the ability of narration. We have attempted merely to bring his human qualities and the adversity he faced to limelight.


Our Lord became the Sajjadanashin of the Order after   Syedena  Hazrat Syed Shah Irshad Ali Al Quaderi Alayyis salat was salam  in the year 1953, as his eldest surviving son  ,according to  the tradition of the Quaderia  Silsila which stipulates  that the eldest surviving son will be  Sajjadanashin after their father.

At the time he took over the reins of spiritual guidance of thousands of his disciples, of the Quaderia Order, the political unrest following the partition of Bengal in 1947 had its natural effects on many of his followers who belonged to Eastern part of Bengal. But his disciples, in what is now Bangladesh, remained steadfast in their allegiance to the saint’s spiritual leadership. However his assumption of the spiritual responsibility was fraught with troubles in the personal front too.

His near kin breaching the time honored  law ,claimed to be the Sajjadanashin .

They challenged the position of his Holiness on the basis of a fake testament which they were not able to produce in the court of law. They resorted to various methods in order to gain custodianship of the holy shrines  of the order. Under their leadership few followers had stooped to the level of trying to desecrate the holy shrine at Mangalkote  pak and Medinipur  sharief , like Muawiyah and his son Yazid who descended  to every kind of deceit  to espouse their unjust cause. There other numerous lawsuits were also rendered useless as all the decrees had favored his Holiness  in spite of their very powerful sources  in executive and judiciary.  This goes on to prove that the status decreed by Allah swt to his holiness cannot be taken away by any worldly measure.  Despite  the aforementioned transgressions His Holiness had always maintained an attitude of clemency towards them.


The Human Qualities of our Lord:

His Holiness paid utmost importance to punctuality. He would always finish his activities within the allotted time. In case he would commit a time for visitation he would arrive at his holy chamber prior to the arrival of the visitor and wait for them. He would wait for a considerable period before getting involved in some other activity.  His holiness would thus instruct the attendants to inform the visitor that our Lord had waited for the period of time as was the case and would meet him later if possible. These visitors would thus miss this holy opportunity irrespective of their status or social position.

The former President of Bangladesh Late Abu Sayyid  Chaudhury was denied his holy visitation in spite of Mr. Sayyid’s repeated requests.


In religious studies his knowledge was unparalleled. He would baffle famous professors and authorities  in fields of Hadith(traditions of the Prophet), fiqh(jurisprudence), tafsir (commentaries) with supremely intricate and subtle questions. They would give up saying “ let’s not discuss upon this” . With further queries they would escape by saying” I ‘ll have to refer to the doctrines and may come up with an answer later”.


Our Lord  seemed to have obtained mastery in many other fields of knowledge too. Our lord’s understanding of Philosophy, poetry and music was also exceptional.Our lord read few poems of Rabindranath’s Gitanjali back to back and asked about the innate meaning of the lines from Mr. Iqbal ( a disciple ). He tried to explain in the manner he had understood. Our lord then interjected and asserted that “this is not what the poet had felt or what he tried to mean although the underlying meaning is deep and magnificent”. Then he presented the true exegesis of the lines which mesmerized the audience. This left everyone present spell bound,as, leave alone reading poetry of such advanced stage, our lord had never even learnt elementary Bengali.

Huzur had never studied Engineering. Once Mr. Khusrau who was a famous architect and civil engineer of his time was consulted to design the Blue print of the Khanquah Sharief at 4 Haji Md. Mohsin Square. The layout was displayed to our Huzur. He inspected the design in details and expressed the requirement of a pillar at a definite portion of the plan, the absence of which would render  the structure unsupported at the spot. The architect was stunned on hearing this and acknowledged his mistake and incorporated the same in his drawing immediately. He was astounded by our Huzur’s observation as such an intricate fallacy has been  noticed by someone who has not studied engineering. He had later inquired from  others as to whether our Huzur had ever studied engineering.

Once a famous lawyer from Ballygunge had sent a draft to a petition . It was not Huzur’s practice to read such drafts or inspect these in person .  However in this case,  he instructed to read out the petition to him. On hearing he exclaimed that “this draft can never be acceptable in the eye of the Law”. The reason  was also explained in details. On hearing huzur’s explanation the lawyer was amazed at his understanding and acknowledged his mistake .  Later the lawyer had commented that his draft was not only lacking in understanding but also stood objectionable in the eyes  of the law. He also had inquired as to whether our Huzur had ever studied Law in his lifetime.





His Holiness was the epitome of reverence. It is impossible for any person to show the depth of such reverence. He used to order the normal papers lying on the floor to be immersed. He used to say concerning small pieces of blank paper lying on the floor that someone may write the Holy name of Allah pak on it.

He would wash his hands prior to touching any holy book if he was without wuzu and used to dry his hands in the air. During the majlis pak, huzur never touched any part of the leg however much the discomfort may have been. After having the Tabarruk pak from Hejaz, Iraq or any niyaz pak, huzur used to order the water of the washed hands, seeds, skin of the fruits etc to be immersed in the water of gol talab. Articles related to  prophets, siddiqeen, shohda or saleheen  or torn portion of religious books were ordered to be immersed. Using newspapers to wrap things or turning them into table cloth while eating annoyed Huzur Pak as there was possibility of  Allah pak’s names printed on them, sometimes even in the form of people’s names.

He would never allow backs to be turned towards holy books or photo of holy places. He would also not allow any holy pictures to be hung on the wall least someone turns his back towards it or puts out his legs in that direction while sleeping. He would never read while lying down and never used saliva to flip pages. Huzur used to listen to the azan with full attention and used to kiss the nails of the thumb when the holy name of Huzur (saw) was called out in azan.

Once early in the morning before sunrise a Christian lady narrated her disturbed state and sadness in front of Huzur while tears continued to ooze out of her eyes. Huzur tried to console her with kind words but she kept iterating the same words repeatedly. A khadim standing close by told her to go home as huzur pak had heard her and prayed for her. Maula got annoyed at the khadim and rebuked him saying that the lady was heartbroken and had lot of sadness in her heart. His Holiness’ heart would melt whenever he encountered human grief.

Maula completely immersed himself in the service of mankind.




The flood of 1978

The great flood of 1978 ravaged West Bengal badly. Dwellings of thousands of people, their agricultural land, cattle, all got washed away.  The cries of helpless, hungry, heartbroken and diseased people could be heard from all corners of the state- the entire district of Bardhaman got almost washed away. Communication links were broken completely. The newspapers were unable to cover the unfolding tragedy. However in the district of Medinipur the news of the disaster were being portrayed almost everyday such as the submergence of 2 storied Jagannath Mandir.

Huzur pak was not worried at all about medinipur and strigunj pak and kept silent about them. When the Khadem bhais of Mazar pak and Strigunj pak expressed their concern Huzur said “ I am not worried about Medinipur. I feel, Mangalkot is facing Qayamat as if the Great deluge of Noah Alaihis Salam has descended here at Mangalkot.”

One day suddenly Wasim (disciple) came and said that the 2 rivers Ajay and Kunu have wreaked havoc in Mangalkot. Everything has been destroyed and only the Mazar pak stands alone.

Huzur was in Kolkata. Muridans thought that huzur pak was physically at Kolkata while spiritually he was helping the destitute day in and day out. Huzur Ghaus Pak(AS) attended 70 invitations at one time. Our Huzur’s help to the needy can be confirmed in the words of OC of the thana, Rajan  Bhattacharjee-“ On the highland my official government quarter’s ceiling was almost submerged. The Bel tree was over the house. Of late the tree had turned to the other side . Brothers it is the great blessings of Huzur Ghaus Pak that I got saved from the flood and the tree.”

By the end of the flood Huzur had become weak and tired. Following the orders of huzur pak Wasim and Iqbal  immediately  left for Mangal kot. At the entrance of the town they met the district magistrate, SP and others. The people of the place said they were not allowing anybody to go inside Mangalkot as animal carcass was stinking and it was literally impossible to move inside.

The relief camp was ordering more food and medicine. Doctor Maqsud had gone to the flood hit areas. Doctors from Kolkata like Dr Amin and Dr. Matin were busy sending the medicines. Maula ordered help to everybody irrespective of Hindu, muslim or his disciples .  Huzur’s  selfless work rescued the lives of many. In fact the entire area got saved.

The Maula and king worked tirelessly to save everyone and took purdah soon. On the 25th of October,1978 and 22nd Zilqadd 1397  Huzur departed this world to meet Allah. His personality was a mix of pearls, gold and diamond which was unmatched. It would not be possible to dwell into the details here. May Maula give us the power . May maula give us the guidance.



In the book Tazkeratul Tajammul .

*al Mutakhallis ba Tajammul means pure and magnificient



Pir O Murshid Pak






Hazrat Syed Shah Irshad Ali Al Quaderi Al Baghdadi (A.S) , the son and Sajjadanasheen of Huzur Hazrat Syed Shah Murshid Ali Al Quaderi (A.S) also known as Maula Pak. Huzur Hazrat Syed Shah Irshad Ali Al Quaderi is popularly known as Peer O Murshid Pak. This illustrious son of the Family of Ghaus Pak touched innumerable souls with his Fayez. People from far and wide  learnt the true Islamic ways of Adab and reverence in the holy company of Huzur.  Huzur’s compassion and mercy encompassed everybody around him. Huzur had a special love for the children. His holiness’s Hujra Sharif was in 22 khanqah sharif lane.



Huzur’s eldest son Hazrat Maula Istershad Ali Al Quaderi took parda ( wesal e Haq) in his childhood which deeply affected His Holiness for the rest of His life. Hazrat Peer o Murshid pak has written several Nauha pak in Urdu and Farsi which is being recited during the occasion of Muharram Sharif majlis’. Huzur’s pen name was Jamil and He referred to His beloved son as Ajmal in all His Nauha paks.





Huzur Pur noor departed from the worldly life on the 21st of Jamadiul awwal. Huzur Peer O Murshid pak’s Mazar sharif is in Medinipur. Hazrat Syed Shah Mustarshid Ali Al Quaderi (A.S), the eldest surviving son of Huzur became His Sajjadanasheen and spiritual heir in accordance with the established Islamic traditions.

His Urs Pak observed every year at all locations within the SilSila.

Shamsul Quader

Shamsul Quader

His Holiness ‘Maula Pak’, a Great Saint of Bengal



His Holiness Syed Shah Murshid Ali Al-Qaderi Al-Baghdadi  (AS) was a great saint of the famous Qaderia Order, in Bengal.  As a direct descendant of Ghous-ul-Azam , Hazrat Abu Mohammad Muhiuddin Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (AS) he was also the direct descendant of the Prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima Zohra (AS), Hazrat Ali bin Abu Taleb (AS) and Hazrat Hasan Mujtaba (AS).

His forefathers had arrived in Bengal in 1766 from Syria en route through Baghdad and settling in Mangalkote in the Bardwan district of Bengal.  The family later moved to Medinipore where he was born on Friday, the 27th of Ramadan, 1268 A.H /16 July 1852 AD to become the 4th generation Head of the Order in Bengal. His Holiness was a man of great wisdom, vision and charisma, and he later moved to present day Kolkata where he set up a Khankah Sharif at Khankah Sharif Lane, Taltalla which became the main centre of the Qaderi Order and which to this day is a place of worship and pilgrimage to the many followers of the Order. The Khankah Sharif was frequented by many noblemen and men of high stature, as it was also likewise filled with many simple country folk and those whom the world had forsaken who could surely find succor here. Maula Pak, as he was referred to as a mark of reverence and affection traveled widely all over Bengal and also in other parts of the subcontinent always awakening the spiritual essence of the people by imparting his ‘faiz’ on all who came to receive his blessings. The unequalled miracles that he performed as a Grace from the Almighty, even today remains a matter of inspiration among the people. All these have been recorded meticulously in books and have remained permanently ingrained in the folklore of the regions as beacons of spiritual light to those who seek spirituality of the soul. Wherever he went and whatever he did, Maula Pak’s mere presence was a source of great inspiration to the entire multitude.

Maula Pak, spent countless days and nights in the Chillagah Sharif in Istriganj, Medinipore immersing himself in spiritual contemplation and exercises becoming of a Saint of the most high. He buried himself in the ground for 40 days on end without food or water, and after that immersed himself in the nearby pond. The water of the pond, to this day is a miraculous cure for the sick. It is known that he used to partake in a special extremely strenuous and painful prayer called the ‘Salat e Makusi’ by hanging himself upside down from the branch of a tree until blood flowed from his nostrils. It is in such ways that great Saints of the times atone for the sins and failings of the common man who seek the forgiveness and mercy of the Almighty.

Maula Pak authored a book called the ‘Dewan-e-Hazrat Jamal’ consisting of a collection of over 400 ‘kasidas’ or poetic verses, each ‘kasida’ containing a treasure trove of unexcelled spiritual inspiration of the highest order. To this day, the ‘kasidas’ written mainly in Urdu but intermixed sweetly with Persian and Arabic, are recited all over Bengal and beyond, in the scores of Khankah Sharifs (places of congregation for prayers and praise) on the occasions of the Egaravee Sharif (congregation that is held on the 11th day of each Arabic month) and also in other Urs Mahfils, imparting ‘faiz’ or spiritual benefit to the listeners, and transfixing their hearts and minds with adoration, inspiration and love. Here is an excerpt from one ‘kasida’ :




Bestow on me such that absolutely nothing remains of me,

May there be death upon death, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




The effect of completely effacing oneself in Shaikh (Pir) is the same as everlasting life in God

It is the same as perishing oneself in God, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




Despite having devoted my heart and soul to you, the urge of life is not yet lost

The spirit of my heart is still strong, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




Why should I ask (pray for) the world and the hereafter from God;

When you are my ultimate desire, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




Until I execute the duty of  sacrificing myself;

Death should not come to me, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




After resurrection, may I die once more on you, on the day of judgment

Grant me this privilege, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




Absorbed in your imagination I have experienced enlightenment

Nothing else comes to my mind excepting you, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




For the ships of Divinity, God has himself,

Chosen you to be the Captain, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




Why would not Khizr have submitted to you like his Messiah all the time;

He wished everlasting life, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




At the time of death, my soul after getting your fragrance

Said ‘Salle Ala’, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.





You are the auspicious shadow of Muhammad(SAW), so why would not you become

The standard of Mustafa(SAW), O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.




All the time I am reciting the holy name of Ghous, the majestic;

O God, may I keep uttering, O Ghous, the reviver of religion, the Jilani.


Maula Pak drew the curtain on himself on 27th of Shawal, 1318 A.H, corresponding to 17 February 1901 AD and 4th Falgun 1307  and his Mazar Sharif is located in the city of Medinipore in West Bengal, where one can visit to gain his ‘faiz’ and blessings as one can also receive from attending his Urs Mahfil on 27th Shawal each year, or just by his remembrance. Egaravee Sharif and Urs Mahfils are held in Bangladesh in all the Khankah Sharifs of the Quaderia Order, and in Dhaka in the Khankah Sharif in Kallyanpur which is conducted under the guidance of the present Sajjadanashin, or Tareeqa Head of the Order, His Holiness Syed Shah Rashid Ali Al-Qaderi Al-Baghdadi.  May the shadow of the great Saints of Islam and the Quaderia Order always be on their disciples and on their admirers.


Annual Urs of Pir O Murshid Pak Observed


The 61st Holy Urs Pak of Hazrat Syed Shah Ershad Ali Al Quaderi Al Baghdadi (A.S) (Pir o Murshid Pak) was  observed in all the Khanka Sharifs of Anjuman e Quaderia in Bangladesh and India with great devotion and respect on 22nd March .

At Dhaka, same was Presided over by His Holiness Syedena Syed Shah Yasoob Ali Al Quaderi Maddu Zillahul Aali.



Notable, The Holy Urs Pak of Hazrat Syed Shah Ershad Ali Al Quaderi (A.S) was observec as per the Bengali calendar as well as Lunar, There are enormous memories Pir O Murshid Pak on the event of His arrival in this part earlier hence a good number of Mureedans and their descendents perform the Urs Pak remarkably.

Recitation of Qasida, Manqebat and Waz had been held on this auspicious occasion.

It may be mentioned, the Urban areas of Pabna and Sirajganj (Norther part of the country), devotees celebrate more larger way on the 23rd of Mag (Bengali) / 5th Feb.

Gausul Azam

Quaderia Tariqa in Bengal

Shahensha e Baghdad, Dastagir e Qainat, Gaus e Pak Hazrat Abu Mohammad Mohiuddin Sheikh Abdul Quadir Jilani Shai an Lillah (Alaihis Salam)  is admitted and accepted as ‘The Greatest Saint of All Times’. On Allah Subhan hu Ta’ala’s command when He announced,(Kadami Hazihi Ala Raqbati Kulli Waliullah } ‘My foot rests over the shoulders of all the Saints of Allah’. All the Saints, wherever they were had responded with Proxy admittance. On the reference Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty Ajmeri (R.A)’s proxy on admittance is referred by the historians and todays Sheikhs.


His Holiness was The 11th descendant of Syedena Rasool e Akram Muhammad Mustafa (S.A.W.S), and the originator of the Quaderia Sufi Order.

Descendants of Huzur Syedena Gaus e Pak (A.S)’s traveled to different parts of the world and propagated the Quaderia Sufi Order enlightening the human souls to the righteous path.


Hazrat Syed Shah Abdullah Al Jeeli Al Quaderi Al Baghdadi (A.S), a descendant of Hazrat Syedena Shah Abdul Razzak (A.S), the second son of of Huzur Shahenshah e Baghdad Gaus e Pak also known for his piety and karamaat, came to Bengal, from the city of Hama in Syria in the year 1767 to spread the true spirit of Islam.


He was accompanied by  his four sons Hazrat Syed Shah Zaker Ali Al Quaderi (AS), Hazrat Syed Shah Raushan Ali Al Quaderi (A.S),Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Hussain  Al Quaderi (A.S) and Hazrat Syed Shah Rajab Ali Al Quaderi (A.S)  His family, and settled at Mangalkote ( Burdwan) which in those days was a prosperous centre of trade, commerce and learning, owing its glory  since the Moghul days, and transformed the place to an oasis of divine knowledge and ALLAH’s mercy.Later Hazrat Syed Shah Abdullah Jilee Al Quaderi (A.S), His 2 sons Hazrat Syed Shah Rajab Ali Al Quaderi (A.S) and  Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Hussain Al Quaderi (A.S) returned to Baghdad


His remaining sons ,resevoirs of the same divine light,Hazrat Syed Shah Zaker Ali Al Quaderi (AS) who is known and accepted as Gaus e Saani paak (A.S), Hazrat Syed Shah Raushan Ali Al Quaderi (A.S) along His son Hazrat Syed Shah Tufail Ali Al Quaderi (A.S); known as Qutube Bari paak chose to translocate to this town .


Later, Hazrat Syed Shah Tufail Ali Al Quaderi (A.S), the son of Hazrat Syed Shah Raushan Ali Al Quaderi (A.S) and son in in law of Hazrat Gaus e Saani Syed Shah Zaker Ali Al Quaderi (A.S) moved to Midnapore Sharief.


Hazrat Syed Shah Mehr e Ali Al Quaderi (AS) known as Ala Huzur Pak, the  son and successor of Hazrat Syed Shah Tufail Ali Al Quaderi (A.S)  established a mosque and a hermitage in this town rendering it a startlingly iridescent spot in the sufi world.

The magnificent landmark of Midnapur known as Jora Masjid in Mirza Mohalla is a place of blessings for everyone. Every year on as of Bengali Calendar 4th Falgun (16th/17th Feb) the Urs is celebrated with ever increasing scale as more and more people throng this centre of faiz o barkat (grace and blessings).


Ala Huzur Pak’s son Hazrat Syed Shah Murshed Ali Al Quaderi (AS) who is admitted and accepted as Maula Pak ornamented the Order further in Midnapore having set up a Khanka Sharif, a place of worship and congregation for the Muridaan and followers of Huzur Gaus e Pak. Years later He moved to Kolkata which was the then capital of India.


The location as on date has been re-christened as Khanka Sharif Lane where the holding number 22 today sparkles the Light of Huzur Gaus e Pak (A.S).After  Maula paak’s visaal e haq , His eligible son Hazrat Syed Shah Ershad Ali Al Quaderi (AS) who is stenciled the identity of Peer o Murshid Pak became the Sajjadanasheen; the Quaderia Order spread massively all over Bengal. Peer o MurshidPak’s beloved son and successor Hazrat Syed Shah Mustarshid Ali Al Quaderi (AS) was a yet another personification of greater education and spirituality.


The present ‘Sajjadanasheen’ (Mutawalli of the Tareequa), our  Aqa o Maula His Holiness, Hazrat Syed Shah Rashid Ali Al Quaderi Al Baghdadi, (Barhe Huzur Pak Qibla o Kaa’ba) is holder of the ‘ultimate form of gnosis’ as transcended throughout generations from Rasul e paak himself to all the deserving descendants. He has extended the divine light in the form of Tareequa e Quaderia to millions of mureeds and visitors who have been benefited in all possible manners.

This divine blessing also reaches the needy through his younger brother, His Holiness Syed Shah Rowaishad Ali Al Quaderi, also known as ‘Choto Huzur Pak Quebla’ and ‘Choto Huzur Pak’s ’ son His Holiness Syed Shah Yasoob Ali Al Quaderi, also known as ‘Shahzada Huzur Pak Quebla . It is their incessant contemplation and active participation through myriad interactions with the followers which has metamorphosed the lives bringing about moral and social upliftment in lives of  all souls in proximity of these divine souls .



By their grace and effort, more and more people have been able to experience the Quaderia blessings as more and more  Khanka Sharifs ,Madrasas and Mosques are being established all over Bengal while the Shrines and the existing Mosques are renovated to suit the requirements of the ever increasing  pilgrim population

Noah's Ark

On Gyarweh Sharif

Celebrating The Grand Ocassion 

On the 1st of Ramadan 470 AH Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (AS) was born in a place called Neef, which is situated in Jilan (Persia). He is also known by Bade Peer Sahab by many a muslim. His hallowed father was Sheikh Abu Saleh Moosa (AS) who was a direct descendant of Imam Hassan (AS) and a wali of topmost order. His Mother was a walia , Bibi Ummul Khair Fatima (AS) , a direct descendant of Imam Hussein (AS). Thus adding to his status in the parlance of lineage making him Hasani Husseini, the highest possible geneology linking him to the supreme creation of ALLAH, Hazrat Mohammed Sallullahe sallam and Hazrat Ali binte Abu Talib  (AS) (Maula Mushqil Qusha Paaq).


His Holiness was the one who claimed Kadami Hazihi Ala Raqbati Kulli Waliullah (My Foot rests over the shoulders of all Saints of Allah). Such exalted was his status that in their state of spiritual ecstasy all renowned walis of his time, including the ones before him had with all ecstatic pleasure acknowledged and admitted his spiritual leadership,just in the manner that all the Messengers of Allah had foretold the arrival of our last and beloved prophet Hazrat Mohammed (SAWS) . All walis before his birth had foretold his arrival and had announced his supreme status.


In his lifetime his holiness has performed innumerable unparalleled  miracles in order that people around him may understand the true spirit of Islam and the role of the Walis in safeguarding our deen.

Through these numerous miracles, likewise numbers of misguided souls were shown the light and many were exalted to the status of a wali merely through his merciful glance. Such is the Love of Allah for Ghause paak that whoever he had merely glanced with his spiritual grace had been transformed to a golden soul.

Gyarawi Sharief is celebrated with all zest and fervour all over the globe as on this date. On this day Ghause Paak had shed his bodily form to be one with ALLAH. In other words Gyarawi Sharief is Urs Paak of Ghause al azam. 

Urs being the occasion of total unison of Huzur Bade Peer Sahab with his Khaaliq , is permanence of an ecstatic state of being beyond the realm of human perception.

Surely, we are unable to fathom the degree of gravity of the event ,however we hold milaad mehfils where his holiness’s karamaatpaak , exalted status and other facets of his lives are discussed. This is done so that the followers may refurbish their hearts with renewed love and adoration for this supreme being and try and bring about some change however miniscule possible in their lives which takes them closer to ALLAH.

As a matter of tradition (Sunnah) celebration of such occasions is proven by many an authentic Hadith paak.

Urs of bade Peer Sahab commands the celebration of a magnitude second to no other occasion and this surely an instrument to get closer to our creator.

As features in the Qasida Paak:

Barawnwi Sharief jo karte the ghause paak,

Haq se hui unhe bhi ata gyarawnhi sharief.

Hargiz na aetraz se ghabra na amelo.

Jaiz hai shara me bakhuda gyarawnhi sharief.


The fact that Huzur Ghause Paak had always observed Barawi Sharief

It has been mandated from Allah that each one of us celebrate Gyarawi sharief.

In no circumstances should we be wavered by any dissuasion in this respect

We have the mandate by Allah , to observe this day.